2014 Global SEE Summit

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2014 Global SEE Summit

What an exciting summer this is! In less than a month the 2014 Global SMART Exemplary Educators Summit will be held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. “Now in its fifth year, the SEE Summit brings together leading-edge educators from the United States, Canada, Mexico, South America, South Africa, Europe and the Middle East who have in common a passion for education technology and a desire to expand their skills and grow their professional learning network.” Yippee!! Based on my SMART video and a written application, I am one of 76 educators selected to attend this year’s all expenses paid Global SEE Summit!

Be happy with me!

SMART Professional Development

At the 2014 Global SEE Summit, I will participate in five days of in-depth PD including:

  • An advanced skills seminar and workshop on SMART Notebook 2014
  • An introductory workshop on SMART amp collaborative learning software
  • A seminar on collaboration pedagogy and best practice
  • An exchange of knowledge in peer-led sessions where attending educators share their own best practices

I will have the opportunity to network with other educators and even provide input and feedback on new and upcoming SMART products and initiatives. How cool is this going to be!!!

Each applicant had to submit a 2-minute video that demonstrated my SMART “ah-ha moment.” For me, narrowing those moments down to 2-minutes was the most difficult thing. I love teaching with my SMARTBoard and creating interactive lessons that bring the children up to the board and make learning fun. I love the way it changes learning moment by moment.

Do you want to see the video?

“Not Your Mamma’s Music Class”

As you watch this video, see if you can spot the following:

  • App-Smashing including  Chalkboard, TiltShift Video and iMovie
  • An old theory worksheet from when I took piano as a child
  • 4-yr old discovering intervals that step and intervals that leap
  • Kids working together to answer the question: How many ways can we write the notes E-F-G on the staff?
  • A child with dyslexia correctly spelling the musical word, but upside down, and a compassionate class of students who are encouraging him as he works it out.
  • The total engagement and anticipation before the roll of the die in the music and math Spelling Bee activity.
  • A fun way to combine music and math in the 4/4 Shuffle activity and the Spelling Activity
  • The use of the spinning properties feature in the Middle C assessment
  • Children taking charge of their learning
  • The way the fading magical pen motivates and engages students
  • A sorting activity that is driven by timed music linked to the page
  • A way to have one child at the SB while including the whole class in active learning
  • A Heart Attack
  • A fourth grade boy setting a school record on the SMARTBoard
  • A fourth grade girl who finally “gets it!”
  • An epic celebration

2014 Global SEE Summit

I can’t wait to participate in the 2014 Global See Summit and bring back incredible ideas for making many more interactive lessons and teaching others how to maximize the learning potential of the SMARTBoard. The opportunity to collaborate with other techy teachers around the world is going to be life-changing for sure.

I wonder if everyone speaks English? Will there be translators? What food will they feed us that everyone will eat? Its casual, but I wonder how everyone will dress? I wonder if they all come from wealthy schools since they have SMARTBoards? SMART has several new ideas to share with us. I wonder if there will be anything I can use in my school? Will it be laid-back or high-energy? I hope its fast and fun! What does Calgary look like? Will there be anyone else who teaches music with a SMARTBoard, or who teaches elementary children? I wonder if they have any job openings? I hope I find a few friends who will like to dream about projects we can do together.  They sent me a hoodie… does that mean that its going to be cold? I think I’ll take my own pillow. Will jet-lag be a factor? I wonder where my room mate comes from? How is it going to be organized and what we will be doing at night? I wonder what the SMART techy guys are like and what new features are in the works. Will I know enough to feel like I belong? I’m a little bit scared….

I’ll let you know how it goes!

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Cherie Herring

Music/Technology Integration at Hammond School
I teach elementary music, am passionate about integrating technology into my teaching, am obsessed with my SMARTBoard and iPad, and enjoy creating lessons and sharing ideas. I love technology almost as much as I love cheesecake, and with more energy and ideas than I know what to do with, I can't wait for the sun to come up each morning! I'm wife to Prince Charming and mom to three incredible girls who keep me balanced. . . sort of!

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4 thoughts on “2014 Global SEE Summit”

  1. How exciting for you! The video was great and I loved seeing your students’ enthusiasm. Are the lessons available somewhere for download or purchase? Although I don’t think you have anything to be afraid of, I’d be happy to come along for moral support. A small sacrifice to make for a fellow music teacher :)) Have fun!

  2. Congratulations on being selected as a SMART Exemplary Educator! It does not surprise me that they selected you. Please post about your experience at the Global SEE Summit.


  3. You will LOVE it! I have been fotrunate to have gone before. Everything is AMAZING! The learning, the food (trust me, you will eat WAY too much!), the people, everything!

    Don’t worry! You are in the great hands of the SMARTians!

  4. Cherie Herring

    Thank you, Danesa!! I’m so excited about the adventure and I can’t wait to connect with new SEE friends and have nerdy conversations with folks who are SMART!! 🙂 Iron sharpens iron!!

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