Music Substitute Lesson / SMARTBoard

Music Substitute Lesson / SMARTBoard

This all-inclusive file is for Music Substitutes (non-musical) to use with younger students. Each bubble on the homepage is linked to different song pages including mp3 files and directions. Songs are appropriate for small or large groups.
Sing-along songs, listening activities, echo-singing, call / response, and movement songs guarantee a well-rounded lesson. There is enough material for several different class times in this file.
Some optional activities rhythm sticks, hula hoops with ring, or scarves.
Keep your music Sub smiling and your music class rockin’ with these kid-tested favorites. It’s easy and SMART!
Download it here.  

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Cherie Herring

Music/Technology Integration at Hammond School
I teach elementary music, am passionate about integrating technology into my teaching, am obsessed with my SMARTBoard and iPad, and enjoy creating lessons and sharing ideas. I love technology almost as much as I love cheesecake, and with more energy and ideas than I know what to do with, I can't wait for the sun to come up each morning! I'm wife to Prince Charming and mom to three incredible girls who keep me balanced. . . sort of!

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6 thoughts on “Music Substitute Lesson / SMARTBoard”

  1. Karen Hernandea

    Cherie Herring,
    I have been searching for this awesome music file after my flashdrive became corrupt and had to be formated. Used this weekley for preschoolers and would love to reload it but can not find it in SMART exchange. Can you tell me how to find it and download? You did such an fantastic job and my children are asking for the songs.
    Karen Hernandez
    Woodlake State Preschool

  2. I also have loved this file!! I have a “life-skills” class, and they adore it. They like new one, but this is their favorite. Your SMARTBoard lessons are wonderful!! I down loaded this file, but it didn’t come up as a SMART file – just a bunch of folders and pages. Can you help? Thank you so much! My file also became corrupted somehow. It’s he “bubble” page with for the substitute – can’t see the exact title on the page.

  3. Can you please send me the link for the music bubbles. I had it and for some reason all of my music is gone. My students are very upset, they love interacting with this. Thanks you

  4. Hi Ashley, Thanks for the comment. I have updated the link in this post and you can download it from the link shown. I hope that helps you. Let me know if you need something else. – Cherie

  5. Cherie, I very much enjoy your blog and youtube videos; thank you so much for sharing your passion! When I downloaded the above file, it was saved as several folders and pages instead of a notebook file. How can I translate this into a notebook file? The same thing happened with something I download from your teacherspayteachers site. I love your ideas and creativity and would like to use more in my classroom.

    Thank you for any help you can provide.


  6. Kathy, I’m so sorry that you have had that problem with my files. Please let me help you!!
    The file is a zipped file and you must “extract” it before opening to put all the little pieces back together. Do you know if you extracted the file or not? I’ve had a few folks who have to download the file on their home computer to avoid the download blocks at school. I can also send you another link to try. That file is large, so it won’t go through the internet without zipping, so lets try the alternate link first.

    Let me know if you extracted the file. Please send me your email address and I will send you another link. I just tried the link from the blog and I was able to download the file without a problem.

    I’ll help you figure it out!!


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